J.L. Bedsole Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions

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Question: May I transfer schools?
Answer: The Aviation Scholarship can only be applied to attendance at Enterprise-Ozark Community College at Mobile.

In regard to the Baccalaureate Scholarship, J.L. Bedsole Scholars may transfer schools. The transfer school must be an accredited school in the state of Alabama.

If the transfer takes place mid-year, students must forward their financial transcript to the transfer school along with any other enrollment information. The student must notify The J.L. Bedsole Scholars Program no less than 60 days prior to the transfer.

As Direct Cost of Attendance budgets vary from school to school, the student’s J.L. Bedsole Scholarship will be adjusted accordingly. If the transfer takes place mid-semester, the scholarship will not be increased until re-evaluation takes place the following fall. If the Unmet Need at the transfer school is less than at the previous school, the J. L. Bedsole Scholarship will be reduced to reflect the change in need.
