J.L. Bedsole Foundation
The J.L. Bedsole Mentor Program Needs Alumni Help!

This blog is addressed to all J.L. Bedsole Alumni and Scholar seniors! As you know, The Scholars Program has recently instituted a Mentoring Program pairing J.L. Bedsole Scholars with Alumni or Scholar Seniors (and Juniors). The Mentor-Protégé relationship exists to further aid Bedsole Scholars in their academic and post academic success, to give them a little extra help and guidance along the way, so to speak.


I am not asking for a large time commitment from you! I am asking only that a Mentor makes him/herself available to the student in case a need arises. We ask that Mentors provide academic and/or career guidance as needed, help guide their Protégés in a nurturing way and perhaps share experiences with them where possible. Reach out to your Protégé from time to time, perhaps call him/her once a month to see if you can help in any way.


I n this regard, I would ask that you do two things. First, please go to Alumni Central and if you have not already done so, make yourself an online profile. Be sure to email us a photo for the profile. While you are at it, list yourself as a Mentor so that Scholars can seek you out if they are searching for a Mentor. Secondly, if you receive a Mentor request from me on their behalf, please follow through with the contact link and get to know them. In this way, you are doing The J.L. Bedsole Scholars Program, as well as Scholar you agree to Mentor, a great service.


Again, I am not asking for a lot of time. The Mentor Program exists in order to allow a Scholar someone to contact in the event he or she needs guidance or help. I hope you will consider it. We need your help and support!


Thank you!

Posted: Scott 8/26/2010 11:01:53 AM | Permalink


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